Full-Time Revenue Collection Officer Jobsm (10 Positions)
Job Description
Revenue Collection Officer Job, Latest Finance Jobs,
Trans-Nzoia County Public Service Board invites applications from suitable qualified persons (Internally) to fill the following position(s):
Salary Scale: KSH.30,170X1,260-31,430X1, 330-32,760X1, 380-34,140X1, 460-35,600X1,470-37,070X1,470-38,540X1,520- 40,060P.M.
This is the entry and training grade for Revenue Collection Officers. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior and experienced officer. Specific duties and responsibilities will entail collecting data for input in the development and review of polices, guidelines, procedures, strategies and standards on revenue collection; collecting revenue from designated revenue collection points and entering the revenue on cash register or on any other approved means; issuing customers with receipts; collecting data on revenue defaulters and debtors and preparing report; and preparing a list of revenue collection points in areas of deployment.
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:-
- Have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Commerce ( Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration ( Accounting option) or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Be a person of integrity; and
- Have a certificate in computer application
How to Apply
All written applications, CVs, copies of certificates, testimonials and Identity Cards should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the left side the position being applied for and addressed to: The Secretary, Trans-Nzoia County Public Service Board P.O. Box 4210, 30200 Kitale NOTE: To meet the provisions of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, applicants are required to get certificates from the under listed organizations:-- Kenya Revenue Authority
- Higher Education Loans Board
- Ethics and Anti-Corruption
- Criminal Investigation
- Credit Reference Bureau.
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